Helpful Tax Tips for Last Minute Filing

Tax day is almost here and if you haven't done your taxes yet, you're probably scrambling to do so. We found the tax tips below online and wanted to share them to help make a stressful time a little more tolerable.

10 Top Tax Issues that Matter in 2015

It's never a good sign when the IRS commissioner is worried about an upcoming tax-filing season. True, recent years have started off with tax uncertainty, which has led to delayed return processing and slowed refunds. And the latest concern is about some expired tax provisions that could produce a replay of the same in 2015.

But beyond those laws and the general hassle of the annual spring rite of filing, there are other tax issues to consider in the coming year. Here are 10 tax matters that could affect you in 2015.

7 (Recently Extended) Tax Breaks That Will Save Taxpayers Money

You know all those tax breaks that were scheduled to expire at the end of 2014? More than 50 of them didn't expire after all but were extended at the last minute by Congress and the president with the Tax Increase Prevention Act, which was signed Dec. 19, 2014.

Free Tax Help Available Nationwide

More than 12,000 free tax preparation sites will be open nationwide this year as the Internal Revenue Service continues to expand its partnerships with nonprofit and community organizations. The sites provide vital tax preparation services for low- to-moderate-income and elderly taxpayers.

Taxes aren't easy...even for experienced pros. We hope you found this information beneficial!